Friday, April 24, 2015

tempAvt- what is it?

I can tell, your reaction to this photo is probably: ????
What is tempAvt?

Today I am going to explain that :)

tempAvt I believe stands for Temporary Avatar.
Let's say your animaljam is running slow.
You click on a buddy's playcard.
As the name and animal loads up, a temporary avatar is put in its place until it finishes loading.

Don't worry, if you see a player named tempAvt, it just means your computer is working hard to load it up :)



  1. Cool! Always wondered what it ment :D

  2. Someone dodo thought someone called TempAvt Was Taking Over AJ what a dimwit

  3. oh ya ok but one of my buddies actually was temp avt like the name did not change
    so its discovered (somewhat) but its still kinda creepy and fun to tell as a scary story around the camp fire in sarepia

  4. I always think temple of zios when i see it o.o


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