Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Nonmember Sent A Gift + AJHQ Recognizes Glitched Items!

Hi guys!
I got a gift from a nonmember! Wait-- A nonmember?!
Nonmembers can't send gifts!
I edited out the user, but this IS send
from the same jammer!
What happened was my friend, a nonmember at the time, got a membership, and imidietly sent me a gift.  AJ didn't recognize that a MEMBER sent the gift because he had just gotton the membership. Later, when he sent me another gift, it said he was a member. The letter still says it was sent by a nonmember, because originally nonmembers COULD, in fact, gift people. I beleive nonmembers being able to gift was removed because of people making New Jammers, and gifting Red Necklaces while dressed as Fman122.

Also, AJHQ has recognized Glitched Nerd Glasses!

This is a photo from the Spring Adventure.  If anyone else noticed, the NPC bunny Choco was wearing Nerd Glasses. But not just ANY Nerd Glasses, they where Glitched Nerd Glasses!
Glitched Nerd Glasses have yellow tape, while the normal Rare Nerd Glasses have white tape.
It is more common to see Jammers wearing Glitched Nerds than Rare Nerds, possibly because Glitched Nerds are considered "Rarer." 

Hope you guys enjoy these glitches!
Have a great day!


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