Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Today Is International Dance Day! + [Patched] Glitch!

Yayyyyyyy! Dance Party!

Random Fact: Today is International Dance Day!
We need to celebrate!!!
Someone get some cookies!!! And some party hats!!

I actually do have a glitch for you:

When Meet Cosmo first came out, sometimes if you where an Arctic Wolf, if you went down a slide, this glitch would happen!

I believe it is patched because it has never happened to me.

Have a great day everyone!


Monday, April 27, 2015

Water Animal on Land, Land Animal in Water! Super Easy!

Hi everyone! Today I am going to show you a really fun glitch!

Note: If you go to a different area or change animals after being glitched, the glitch will wear off!

First up, how to do the glitch in the top photo!

You will need:
An underwater den
Someone with an underwater animal besides a seal, penguin, otter or polar bear that is NOT your buddy.

1- Go into your den with the person who will be glitched.
2- Go to Jamaa Township, and lock your den.
3- The other player should be teleported into Jamaa Township because you locked your den.
The other player is now invisable! You can have a friend do this for you so you are invisble too!

Now, how to do the bottom pic's glitch:

You will need:
A land den
Someone with an animal that cannot go underwater. Make sure they arent your buddy!

1- Go to your den with the person.
2- Go to Bahari Bay and lock your den. Any underwater area will work, but the other player will always be teleported to Bahari Bay.
3- The other player is now invisable underwater!

Tip: if the player you are glitching is a tiger, they will be mini! (Shown in the bottom pic)

Once after doing the top glitch, I changed into a different animal after being glitched. I was changing the colors on my Arctic Wolf, but nothing happened! My outfit and colors wouldn't change! If this happens, just go to a different area.

Have a GREAT day everyone! 


Friday, April 24, 2015

tempAvt- what is it?

I can tell, your reaction to this photo is probably: ????
What is tempAvt?

Today I am going to explain that :)

tempAvt I believe stands for Temporary Avatar.
Let's say your animaljam is running slow.
You click on a buddy's playcard.
As the name and animal loads up, a temporary avatar is put in its place until it finishes loading.

Don't worry, if you see a player named tempAvt, it just means your computer is working hard to load it up :)


Pet swims on Land!


If you stand on the edge of any area of water, your pet might swim on land!

Swim, kitty, swim! Don't let the fact that it isn't water hold you back!

heh ):3

Short post today, I know, and I have this Glitch on the Submit-A-Glitch page, but at least I got a post in!

Have a great Friday, everyone!
Don't forget- you can comment as Anonymous if you want!  Feel free to give me tips, ideas, feedback, or tell me about a glitch you found!  Happy Jamming everyone! Bye!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Fashion Post #4 - Phantoms [With A Twist!]


So this week's fashion post isss...

But I'm not just going to plop some phantom armor and a hat onto a bunny and be done.
Oh no.. there's a twist ):B

I'm not going to use a single item that has the word "Phantom" in the name!

Without further ado, here is the first outfit!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Nonmember Sent A Gift + AJHQ Recognizes Glitched Items!

Hi guys!
I got a gift from a nonmember! Wait-- A nonmember?!
Nonmembers can't send gifts!
I edited out the user, but this IS send
from the same jammer!
What happened was my friend, a nonmember at the time, got a membership, and imidietly sent me a gift.  AJ didn't recognize that a MEMBER sent the gift because he had just gotton the membership. Later, when he sent me another gift, it said he was a member. The letter still says it was sent by a nonmember, because originally nonmembers COULD, in fact, gift people. I beleive nonmembers being able to gift was removed because of people making New Jammers, and gifting Red Necklaces while dressed as Fman122.

Also, AJHQ has recognized Glitched Nerd Glasses!

This is a photo from the Spring Adventure.  If anyone else noticed, the NPC bunny Choco was wearing Nerd Glasses. But not just ANY Nerd Glasses, they where Glitched Nerd Glasses!
Glitched Nerd Glasses have yellow tape, while the normal Rare Nerd Glasses have white tape.
It is more common to see Jammers wearing Glitched Nerds than Rare Nerds, possibly because Glitched Nerds are considered "Rarer." 

Hope you guys enjoy these glitches!
Have a great day!


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

AnimalJam Homescreen o-O

PiXeLy MiX-uPs?


if this happens to you, just refresh the page!


Treadmill Walking, minus the Treadmill Glitch!

Hi guys!
Here is a gif of what this glitch does:
To do this glitch, just change your animal!
While your animal is changing, us the ARROW KEYS to walk anywhere.
Once your animals stops changing, do not move!

You should now be on the Treadmill!

See you next post!

Monday, April 20, 2015

AnimalJam: Clone your pet Hamster Glitch!

A really cool glitch I discovered by accident today!

You will need:
A Spring Bunny
A Hamster
An Enchanted Hollow Den

First, go into YOUR Enchanted Hollow Den. It must be your den!
Second, put your hamster in the den.
Third, turn into your Spring Bunny.
Forth, put your Hamster as your Spring Bunny's pet.

Your Hamster should now be both in your den, AND on your Spring Bunny!

Isn't that cool?


Sunday, April 19, 2015

Wallpaper + Flooring Not On Walls and Floors?

Hi guys!
Here is a glitch that was recently posted on AJS.
Hmm.... what's wrong with this picture?

It seems that the player was using a Princess Castle, then changed to a Small Den.
The problem is, the Castle's wallpaper and flooring wanted to stay!

This glitch has also happened to me.  The only difference is, when this happened to me, it was a Ice Fort/Enchanted Hollow den switch, and my animal was cloned! More on that on this post!

Anyway, I will see you guys in the next post!

Welcome to Canada and Japan! Thanks for viewing AJGB!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Super Long Chat Message Glitch!

BTW- i am
hopping in this pic

To do this glitch all you need is free chat!

First type MMMM.
Then put a space (   ) and type MMMMM
Put another space and repeat the first and second part until you cannot type anymore
Press enter

This message is verrrrryyyy long and will go up over half the screen, and even offscreen in some places!

You can do this to draw attention to yourself. EX- (MMMM MMMMM over and over) then advertise whatever your hosting, whether it be a clan, party, or store!

Hope you guys have fun with this!

Spring Bunny Is Here! (Remember that tiger glitch?)

Hi guys!

Does anyone remember this glitch I posted about a while back?
Well, it now has a purpose!

AnimalJam has added Spring Bunnies, which you can get from buying an AJ Gift Card Membership!
Soooooo cuuutttteee!
I still don't know what would happen if you bought that tiger/bunny/deer glitch ^-^
Anyone test it?


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Fashion Post #3- Spring!

Hi guys!

I'm posting normally again now!

As always, Wednesday is Fashion Post Day, so here we go !

It is now springtime, and everything is growing again, so I thought it was time to make some Spring Outfits!

AnimalJam Ad Glitch #2!

Everyone remember the AJ Ad Glitch I posted a few weeks back?
Well, I found another AJ Ad with a glitch!
See any glitches?
Well, look closely, and you will notice most of those items do not come in the colors shown in the ad.
Also, that cool looking leopard in the front? His glove is on the wrong foot ^-^.


Monday, April 13, 2015

Creative Outfits #1!


Today I am showcasing some outfits I saw around Jamaa that I thought where very creative!

First- Boy Fox. Second- Simple Monkey. Third- Butterfox.

First up we have a nice outfit for a boy Fox! I really like how the jammer used realistic fox colors accented with black and grey. Looking at this outfit makes me feel like this jammer is really trying to make his/her fox similar to a human! The sneakers, studded collar, and baseball cap really tie in with the t-shirt and elf tail!

Next up is a simple nonmember making do with what he/she can buy.  I know, you're probably thinking: why is this creative? it looks like it was thrown together in 3 seconds!  Well, that's exactly why it's creative! Everyone spends so much time creating the perfect outfit for their animals, when it doesn't need to be perfect! The red and yellow blends in with the tan so well, you hardly notice it's there! The wings and knight helmet give the outfit an absract feel. Most people who see jammers dressed like this almost always think "new jammer", and don't take the time to appreciate what was created by someone who is new to AJ! You know what I say to that? THREE CHEERS FOR SIMPLICITY!!!

Okay, lastly, we have a nice blue butterfox! What's a butterfox, you say? It's exactly what it sounds like! All this fox is wearing is a pair of blue dragonfly wings(which i love and think should be more populer), and a blue butterfly mask(which most jammers ignore because it doesn't tie in with their style). This butterfox is probably the most creative of the mix, because you see lots of new jammers and foxes in t-shirts, but this is the first time I have ever seen a dragonfly/butterfly item combo!

How did I make this post? Did I have friends dress up? Did people email me submissions? No! All I did was wander around Jamaa and see what I could find! I found the boy fox in the Pillow Room, the simple monkey in the Pillow Room, and the Butterfox at a Trading Party.

Which outfit was your fav? Comment below!

Btw- I still am not going to be posting normally for a while,
 I jut found the time to throw this post together!