Saturday, March 7, 2015

Nonmember Wearing Member Items Glitch

Ello guys! :)
Today I am explaining a glitch that is very interesting.
It allows nonmembers to wear member items.
This glitch can only be done if you where a Beta Tester to AJ. So, it cannot be done anymore.

How people do it: After you got the membership that all the beta testers got, you put on some members items, because they looked cool.  A few days later, before your membership ran out, you stopped playing AJ for some reason... If you go onto that account nowadays, you will be a nonmember, but you are still wearing your member items!

A nonmember wolf wearing elf armor and bracelets, which are both members only!
A nonmember koala wearing the Members version of the NM Bat wings.


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