Saturday, March 14, 2015

Get Trade Offers on Aldan

Now, we all most likely know that Aldan is the most active server, and that many players with betas hang out there.  You have some good items, and want to trade, but no one is offering you anything. Why?

It may be what your character looks like!  I do not mean patterns, I mean items. 
Most players would rather look at the trade list of someone who they think will have good items on trade, and many players wearing good items will have good items on trade.

Here is an example: {note that I made this scenario up, so plz do not be offended if you are a members bunny named Snickety Arcticspirit}

A member bunny named Snickety Arcticspirit has a black worn, glitched nerd glasses, and a few den betas on trade.  Snickety has brown fur, black default bunny eyes, pink ears and black spots.  He is wearing a gray nm scarf, and a purple friendship bracelet from his best buddy.  Other jammers see him asking for trades, but don't think he will have good items because he isn't wearing anything rare, glitched or beta. Snickety decides to wear his black worn and glitched nerd glasses because he likes them.  After he puts them on, he starts getting trade requests because other players noticed he was wearing good items.  Snickety happily trades with them, and then dresses back to his normal outfit when he is finished.

This may not be completely accurate, because this is just something I thought of.

Most players on Aldan will notice when someone is wearing a founder's hat or rare spike, but generally don't notice players with buyable items such as friendship bracelets or butterfly wings.

If anyone tries this out, please comment if it worked for you or not!

Bye guys c:

PS- Happy Pi Day! Be sure to pick up some new Pi items from the den item store, becuase they will leave on Monday!

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