Monday, July 13, 2015

AnimalJam: How to wear a Tutu on your head! (So funny!)

Sorry I haven't been posting much, I have been finding less and less glitches :C

Anyways, this glitch is veryyyyyyy weird.
How I found it?  I was in the pillow room, and saw a bunny playing.  The bunny was wearing a green tutu.  The thing that caught my eye?  The tutu was on the bunny's head!  I tried out the glitch myself, and this happened:
To do this glitch you need:
A tutu (I used green)
A bunny

Step 1- Put the tutu on the bunny
Step 2- Play
Step 3- Now you have a tutu on your head!

Once you stop playing, the tutu goes back to it's rightful place on your body C:

I hope you guys enjoy this glitch!

See you in the next post!
I may make a new post ender.  Do you guys think this is a good idea? Comment below!

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