So today, AJHQ added the Jammer Wall to AJ.
It is being ''tested'' by members.
The problem? Sooooo many glitches :(
The Jammer Wall only opens up half the time. The other half, it doesn't do anything when you click it.
For some reason, I could only see 1 other persons chats besides mine.
If you are a fox, your picture is moved a bit too far to the right, leaving a gap.
Clothes Items do not load up, only colors.
Sometimes the Jammer Wall icon says #64 on it, even if you have no messages.
In the video, a nonmember was using the Jammer Wall!
Players can message your personal Jammer Wall, but I have no idea how to check it.
As always, I blurred out the username. |
Strange, right? Let's hope AJHQ fixes all these glitches!