Monday, October 19, 2015

Reasons the new AnimalJam Animal may be a Red Panda!

Hiya guys :3

(Not my account, I found this pic online)
So, I know many people have been saying that the new animal is an Arctic Fox, but I beg to differ.

Here are my reasons why I think the new animal may be a Red Panda:

1- AnimalJam exaggerates things.  Take a look at the Lynx.  AJ made them with large front paws, but in reality, lynxes are more well known for their large back feet and smaller front paws.  I heard that red panda's tails are not as fluffy as this photo, and their ears are smaller, but who's to say AJHQ isn't exaggerating again to make them look cuter?

2- The Red Panda Plushie is won from the Journey Book in Mt. Shiveer.  Makes sense, right?

3- Why does AJ need another fox animal?  I can not really see what the benefit of having a slightly fluffier fox running around  Jamaa will do, besides making the old foxes obsolete.  There are no red-panda-like animals in AJ so far, except maybe the raccoon.

4- The proportions look more like a red panda than an arctic fox. Image result for arctic fox vs red panda  Take a look at this photo.  The arctic fox has a slightly longer snout than the red panda, its legs aren't as fluffy, and its body is longer, although, AJ may just be exaggerating an arctic fox.

5- Look at the different body parts on the new animal, and then on this photo. Image result for aj red panda Very similar, right? The front legs are very large, the tail is poofy, and the ears are rounded.  Foxes normally have pointier ears than red pandas, right?

Ok, maybe I just think Red Pandas in AJ would be cool :) 
These may be slightly biased, since you can probably tell I want to be right about this :P

Anyway, thanks for reading, have a great day!
Comment: What do you think the new animal is?

Note: Sorry if some of these points seem a bit pushy!  I'm just throwing an idea out there :)  It may actually be an Arctic Fox!, and I may be completely wrong about it being a red panda!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

AnimalJam Play Wild is Out + Blog News!!!

Hi guys!!!

Play Wild is out on the App Store for ios!!!!

Also, AJGB has reached 1,000 views!  Thanks Guys!!

Go check out Play Wild's site:

Who is excited?!  I am!


Monday, August 17, 2015

Magenta Spirit Armor! Submitted By: Anonymous

Hello Guys!  Long time no post!

Anyway, here is a little glitch that was left on the Submit-A-Glitch Page by Anonymous*!

It seems that if a Llama wears a white Lasso and Hops, Magenta Spirit Armor will appear!

Thanks for this glitch, Anonymous! 

Remember, if you guys find a glitch, big or small, good or bad, submit it here, and I might do a post on it!

Keep Jammin' everyone!
See you in the next post!


* The person who submitted this glitch posted the comment under the guest account "Anonymous"

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

AnimalJam: The Jammer Wall Pops Up Everywhere? [Unknown]

Today I was playing AnimalJam, and for some reason, this kept on popping up:
What was weird was I hadn't tried to click anyone's Jammer Wall, and this kept on coming up, over and over again.  It also happened to my friend, and a few other people in Jamaa Township.  It was happening to Nonmembers and Members alike.  I am unsure why this happened.  Maybe the Jammer Wall was updating?

Anyway, see you guys in the next post!

Monday, July 13, 2015

AnimalJam: How to wear a Tutu on your head! (So funny!)

Sorry I haven't been posting much, I have been finding less and less glitches :C

Anyways, this glitch is veryyyyyyy weird.
How I found it?  I was in the pillow room, and saw a bunny playing.  The bunny was wearing a green tutu.  The thing that caught my eye?  The tutu was on the bunny's head!  I tried out the glitch myself, and this happened:
To do this glitch you need:
A tutu (I used green)
A bunny

Step 1- Put the tutu on the bunny
Step 2- Play
Step 3- Now you have a tutu on your head!

Once you stop playing, the tutu goes back to it's rightful place on your body C:

I hope you guys enjoy this glitch!

See you in the next post!
I may make a new post ender.  Do you guys think this is a good idea? Comment below!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Spring Bunny Without The Pattern glitch!

This glitch is done the same way the third glitch on this post is done.

This Spring Bunny was glitched on the Player Card to look the same as this player's other animals!
The glitch will be fixed when you reload AJ.
If the player that is glitched turns into this animal, it will still have the normal Spring Bunny pattern.

Strange, right?
See you guys next time!


Thursday, July 9, 2015

AnimalJam: The New Jammer Wall has many glitches :(

So today, AJHQ added the Jammer Wall to AJ.
It is being ''tested'' by members.
The problem? Sooooo many glitches :(

The Jammer Wall only opens up half the time.  The other half, it doesn't do anything when you click it.
For some reason, I could only see 1 other persons chats besides mine.
If you are a fox, your picture is moved a bit too far to the right, leaving a gap.
Clothes Items do not load up, only colors.
Sometimes the Jammer Wall icon says #64 on it, even if you have no messages.
In the video, a nonmember was using the Jammer Wall!
Players can message your personal Jammer Wall, but I have no idea how to check it.

As always, I blurred out the username.

Strange, right?  Let's hope AJHQ fixes all these glitches!
